How to Calibrate 4JX1 Injectors or Do You Calibrate It?

 One of the most common question that I encounter with issues on Isuzu Trooper, is how to calibrate the injectors. Well, actually you need to know first if what kind of engine it is using. If it is using a 4JX1 engine,  the short answer is NO, YOU DO NOT CALIBRATE the 4JX1 injectors. The term used is to "rebuild". 

So when do you need injector rebuilding? 

The most common reason why you need rebuilding is when you start to have diesel-oil mixture. If you start to see some diesel with your engine oil, the most common reason is you have a busted internal injector O-ring. 

Don't be mistaken, there is another o-ring inside the injector apart from the two o-rings outside your injector. 

See the picture below: 

That may be a little thing, but that will cause a lot of headache to you. 

Check for the common symptoms before rebuilding your 4JX1 Injector: 

1. Check if the oil level is rising. 
2. Check if there are bubbles with the deep stick when the engine is running. 
3. Check the smoke. usually if there is a diesel-oil mixture, it will be very smoky as well. 

If all these are check, then it needs rebuilding. 

Immediate things that you can do: 

1. If you reach the zigzag level on your dipstick, try to take out some engine oil up to 4 liters. Then add around 2 liters of the cheapest SAE 40 diesel oil. This will thicken the engine oil a bit. NOTE: This should be temporary. 
2. Have your injectors removed and have it rebuild by trusted people who can do it. NOT ALL MECHANICS KNOW HOW TO DO IT. So careful. If you have an Isuzu Trooper, join a legit trooper club and you'll have a bigger chance of finding someone who can do it. 
3. Make sure that when you put back your injectors, you also change the 2 o-rings outside so as the copper gasket. NO SEALANT. You don't need sealant in putting back your injectors inside the engine, except for the top cover. It will cause more problem if you put a sealant on it.  
4. Once you put the injectors back in place, do change your oil. 
